Critterish Allsorts are the UK’s only Animal Assisted Therapy SPECIALISTS
For best information about our Pet Therapy services and to see examples of us at work via media (tv and press) reports, please visit the Critter Assisted Therapy website – Critter Assisted Therapy is owned and run by Critterish Allsorts. We have just separated this part of the business to show our commitment to “Unleashing The Healing Power Of Animals”!
Animal assisted therapy (also known as Pet Therapy) is a natural holistic treatment, that pre-dates science. AAT is used as an occupational therapy tool within psychology. It is proven to improve the spirit~mind~body interconnectedness, reducing both anxiety and blood pressure. It also has many other benefits.
Our animal assisted therapy in prisons has been studied by Forensic Psychologists and has proven to have the following additional benefits :
- Improved relationships
- Emotional regulation
- Supporting with trauma
- Sense of purpose
- Self-identity
In the prisons that we visit, our animal assisted therapy work has also reduced self harm (by around 50-60%) and suicidal thoughts (by over 75%). Add to this an improved environment for both staff and prisoners and you also have a more settled establishment. IT WORKS!

The interaction and relationship between people and animals has also been shown to reduce stress and promote well being. It can also increase socialisation; improve self esteem & confidence ; promote quality of life & encourage nurturance, empathy & responsibility.
When animal assisted therapy is used with people in the autistic spectrum, these people demonstrate fewer stereotyped behaviours and increased socially appropriate behaviours. IT IS PROVEN TO WORK!!
“Introduction of animals into a human service system can provide the calming, unconditional love & attention, that is needed to enable the service users to thrive – moving from illness towards health”
Pet Therapy / Animal Assisted Therapy
We have just launched “Critter Assisted Therapy” – in order to prove our commitment to this part of our work, we have decided to move the focus of our business to Animal Assisted Therapy. Dale Preece-Kelly (Owner) is now a FULLY QUALIFIED Animal Assisted Therapy Practitioner – a new dedicated website was launched in September 2013 for C.A.T. For more information and to keep up to date, please follow Critter Assisted Therapy on Facebook . . . “Unleashing The Healing Power Of Animals”
Our animal assisted therapy sessions, are second to none, and we are the forerunner in this field, we can even do one to one sessions IN YOUR HOME!!
A three page feature on our pet therapy work, written by Dr Daniel Allen, appeared in October 2012’s Practical Reptile Keeping Magazine. This was followed by an article in French animal magazine NAC, who decided to feature us not only in a 7 page article, but also as the cover story in their very first edition! (See lower down)
We are now, internationally recognised for our work in the animal assisted therapy field, and we have experience in bringing successful animal assisted therapy to the elderly, learning disabled, problematic children and those with life limiting illnesses. Our specialism, however, is within the field of forensic psychology in prisons & psychiatric hospitals.
Our contractual work within the field of prisoner wellbeing and severe mental illness is pioneering, and our work with the professionals within this field, will take us toward forming a blueprint for animal assisted therapy within prisons & mental health establishments in the UK.
Group or Individual Pet Therapy Sessions
We can do individual or group sessions, with any type of critter that the service users (those benefiting from the therapy) would like to see (a list of critters can be supplied for use in the selection process).
All sorts of people gain therapeutic results from all manner of critter – some choices, and the effects thereof, are very surprising. For maximum therapeutic benefit, sessions should be held regularly, rather than as an ad-hoc activity.
We provide our animal assisted therapy services within :
- Prisons
- Mental Health Services
- Hospitals (esp oncology wards)
- Schools (proven to improve behaviours & attendance)
- Hospices
- Care Homes
- Behavioural Units and Organisations (such as CAMHS, autistic, ADHD)
- Fostering Organisations
- Neuro/Physical Rehab Services
- Community Invisible Illness Groups

Please contact us for FULL details via email :
Prices : from £150 for a one hour session to £600 for a full day (6 x 1 hour sessions). There is a surcharge of 40p per mile after 30 miles, if bookings are over 30 miles away from base.